Folks, It is taking a while to wrestle all the details to the ground in the display package. I am focussing on the side and top views, which include all pieces of the apparatus. So the display is not ready to distribute yet, but if I had a few pointers to interesting runs (different energies, different beam particles), I can produce some more FCal displays in the meantime. There is also an accompanying small analysis package that produces paw histograms. I have been using this to study the BPC's and other bits, in anticipation of finding chamber coeffients, etc. It too is "seeing" some parts of the data record, and not others. I have included the beginnings of a quick guide below, mostly to the analysis package, since it is currently more runnable than the display package. I will continue on these two threads in the morning (in about eight hours from now), with the aim of getting a distributable display tomorrow, and update the guide to include it. Again, pointers to interesting runs will be appreciated. Thanks. Cheers, Mike ---------------------------------------------------------- QUICK GUIDE - Version 0.0 To get the software, on pcfcal01, copy the contents of /home/shupe/tb03 to your local directory. HISTOGRAM ANALYSIS PACKAGE To build, or rebuild the analysis package: source tb03_analyze.lnk To run the analysis on a given run: (1) Create an input file by copying run1444.inp to your runXXXX.inp and editing it to change the run number to the runXXXX.dat file you want to analyze on raid/data/phys (2) Run the job as follows: tb03_analyze.out logXXXX.txt & At the end of this, you have a log file with the header information in it and a histogram file, tb03_hists.dat. To preserve the latter: mv tb03_hists.dat runXXXX_hists.dat To get a hardcopy of the histograms: (1) Edit the run1444.kumac file to match the XXXX number above. (2) Run paw, and >exec runXXXX.kumac (3) This will create for you to print. Status: (1) There are BPC histograms with beam profiles, but the calibrations have not yet been applied so the X,Y positions are unphysical (about a factor of 2 too big) (2) I don't have the FCal information, seen in the displays, routed properly to the histograms. In the works... (3) Many counter and bit histograms are empty. Some of it is my problem (the trigger bits appear in the displays), and some may be data not there yet?? In the works... DISPLAY PACKAGE The display package is not yet ready for prime time. Geometry is still being worked on, but FCal displays can be produced on request.