![]() | DAQ |
![]() | Analysis |
![]() | Hardware |
![]() | Offline software |
![]() | Various |
DAQ [ all files] [ Back to Top ]
P.Gorbunov, FCal Test Beam DAQ: description of raw data
format, v.1.8 15-June-2005 [.doc]
P.Gorbunov, Calibration run types in FCal beam tests, Draft 2.0 22-Nov-2003 [.doc] [pdf]
P.Gorbunov, CBT_EC2 BeamDaq classes to interface the beam crate with the ROS [pdf]
P.Gorbunov, CBT_EC2 H6 Beam Fragment Format [pdf]
Analysis [ all files] [ Back to Top ]
FCAL team, ATLAS Internal Note 14-Apr-2002,
Results from 1998 FCAL Module 0 Testbeam
A.Hincks, Some Useful Findings Relating
to the Test Beam Run, 2-Sep-2003 [.htm]
A collection of Adam's reports on Gain Factors and ADC linearity,
Pedestals, Channel Autocorrelations, TTC Timing, Study of a Spline and
Parabolic fits, Cable impedance.
V.Epshteyn, P.Shatalov,
Some results of 2003 tests, Note 2, 2003-08-29 (last update 2003-09-14) [.doc]
[.pdf] [.ps]
Selected 40, 60,100 and 200 GeV/c runs with pions and electrons are analysed.
The issues covered: pedestal subtraction, signal filtering, channel noise,
FCAL modules equilization. The calorimeter resolution for electrons and
pions is evaluated.
V.Epshteyn, P.Shatalov ,
First look at September runs, 2003-09-11 [.doc]
Summary plots (no text so far) for 10, 20, 40, 60 and 100 GeV/c electron
runs of September 2003. Very good linearity is demonstrated. The resolution:
the constant term 4.5%, the stochastic term 26%. The methods are described
in the earlier note of 2003-08-29.
A.Hincks, Reconstructing the Trigger Delay
from the TTC Values, 20-Aug-2003 [.ps]
A somewhat confusing discussion of the signal phase measurement in the DAQ,
and the algorithms to reconstruct it.
Figure 1 is wrong: actually, the trigger starts the TDC and the two clock edges that follow are measured.
A.Hincks, Interpolating Pulse Shapes with
Cubic Splines, 30 May-2003 [.ps]
A formal study of spline fitting of the signal shape.
V.Epshteyn, P.Shatalov, P.Gorbunov The analysis status report, Note 4, 2003-10-30 [.doc] [pdf]
A systematic study of the FCal response to electrons and pions. New fits of the energy dependence of the response and resolution.
An X-Y structure of the FCal1 response to electrons is demonstrated with
2003 data.
V.Epsteyn, P.Gorbunov
study of non-linear effects in FCAL pulser calibration data,
Note 5 2004-1-25 [.doc]
In this note an attempt is made to interpret the non-linearity, observed in
the data with the pedestal cables disconnected, in terms of a behavior
of FEB amplifiers in the very high-frequency domain associated with the fast
rise-time of the FCAL pulser signals. The analog channel is simulated with a
model based on published schematics. A good qualitative agreement with data
is obtained.
V.Epshteyn, P.Shatalov, P.Gorbunov The analysis status report, Note 6, 2004-02-16 [.doc] [pdf]
An addendum to the Note 4, showing the
effect of the gain corrections on the electron energy reconstruction in
FCAL1. Final linearity and resolution plots (including the "export"
versions: Fig.5, Fig.6 ).
V.Epshteyn, P.Gorbunov
Some results of the
amplifier performance modeling in the full range of input signal
amplitudes ,
Note 8, 2004-02-04 [.doc]
The FEB amplifier performance is simulated for the input signals of up to 5
TeV. With the input cables connected, the pulser data is predicted to
reproduce the amplifier response to real calorimeter signals. A simple modification of the pulser is proposed, to reduce the
non-linearity effects observed with the input cables disconnected.
V.Epshteyn, GEANT3 simulation of the FCAL performance and a
comparison with TB'2004 results Note 10,
2004-09-07 [.doc]
A good agreement with electron beam data is achieved and used
as a basis for a pilot MC study of the FCAL response to pions.
I.Zuckerman, MC simulation of FCal 2003 beam tests with standalone LArG4 package [.pdf .tex] 6-Mar-2005
A.Savin, "Hadronic Energy Resolution Improvement in Calorimeters with
Fine Transverse Segmentation", 9-14 Oct, 2000 (presented at CALO'2000).
The note describes the radial weighting technique used in the analysis of
the 1998 TB data to improve the hadronic energy resolution. [.pdf]
I.Zuckeman, "Angular dependence of FCal response to electrons and pions",
11-Jan-2006. Includes simulated and real (TB 2003). data. A
short version (.ps) and
long version (.ps).
I.Zuckerman, A.Artamonov . "Data/MC comparisons for forward calorimeter response to electrons", 5-Mar-2006 [.ps]. Includes sampling fractions and energy resolution; Geant4.8.0 is used for MC simulation.
Hardware [ all files] [ Back to Top ]
ITEP group,
14-Sep-2003, ITEP beam chambers [.doc]
The design and performance of the ITEP beam chambers are briefly described.
The measured Gaussian resolution of
over the area of 70´70
mm2 is reported.
A collection of
hard-to-find documents about Module 0 FEB
selected circuit block-diagrams, serial protocols
G.Oakham Notes on heat flow
measurement in FCAL region, 10-Feb 2004 [.doc]
P.Gorbunov Heat flow
measurements during the ATLAS End-Cup-A cold test, 16 March 2004 [.doc]
G.Oakham, P.Gorbunov A summary report, Last update: 5 April 2004 [.doc]
P.Krieger, Draft summary of the FCAL-A cold tests [.doc]
J.Rutherfoord, Setting the FEB Gain Thresholds for the FCal 9-Jun-2004
J.Rutherfoord, A.Savine, ATLAS FCal Diagnostics using the Calibration Pulse
30-Jun-2004 [.pdf]
P.Gorbounov, A first look at FCal noise data in March 2005 cold tests,
17-Mar-2005 [.doc]
Offline software [ all files] [ Back to Top ]
E. Inrig, ATHENA Data Classes and
Algorithms for the ATLAS FCal Test Beam, 30-Aug-2003 [.ps]
The topics covered are: track fitting with the BPCs, BPC alignment, data
classes/monitoring/reconstruction for the beam detectors (scintillators,
tail catcher, BPCs).
M. Shupe's memos (plain text files):
0 (??),
1.0 (June 21,
2003), 2.0
(July 7, 2003)
- TB03 status update,
September 16, 2003
M. Schram (Carleton Univ.)
FCalTB03 Athena IO & Converter Summary,
- A summary on why and how the FCalTB03 io and converter for Athena was
- Some instructions on how to run it (from
e-mail of 19-Jul-04) [.txt]
Various topics [ all files] [ Back to Top ]
Revised: March 18, 2006 .